Thursday, October 29, 2009

Welcome M4s

Hello M4s!!

Welcome to Gr8 Expectations, our Great Expectations blog, where we will reside in the dickensian world for the duration of this unit.

As part of our unit on Great Expectations, we will be creating a blog where we will be posting information, reactions and personal appreciation of the text. This blog will act as a virtual gallery where all of you will have the opportunity to publish your thoughts, share them with your friends and comment on what others have said as well.

The online assignments will be indirectly and directly preparing you for the final summative due at the end of this unit, in December, so we encourage active participation at all times.

Your first task today will be to create your own blogs - choosing the name, design and colours.. Feel free to express your creativity and have fun!!

Here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Create a new email account and password to be used by all the members in the group.
2. Once your blog is created, please email the url, name of team members, username and password to me.
Have fun blogging!!
Ms Expectations

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